Tipper Red Rocks

Project Overview

Visual accompaniment and event poster design for the Tipper Red Rocks 2021 event.

Roles + Responsibilities

VJ + Content Creator + Visual Programmer

VJing: As the VJ, I am responsible for curating and delivering captivating visual experiences in sync with the music. This involves the real-time manipulation and mixing of visuals using tools such as TouchDesigner, Notch, and Resolume.

Content Creation: My role extends to content creation, involving the development of custom visuals and animations that complement Tipper's music and enhance the live performance, along with designing the official event poster graphic.

Visual Programming and Development: One of the most distinctive aspects of my role is the development of custom tools in TouchDesigner to manipulate audio in real-time. These tools allow for a dynamic interplay between sound and visuals, creating an immersive experience for the audience.

Software Utilized

We harnessed the power of Notch, a real-time 3D node-based software, and TouchDesigner for live visual mixing, enabling on-the-fly creative manipulation.

Collaborative Visuals

On the second night, a collaborative effort with Datagrama and The Void aimed to provide dynamic real-time visuals for electronic IDM producer Tipper's performance.

Poster Design Process

Notch was used to create captivating 3D artwork, while Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator handled text and other design elements. Close collaboration with Tipper's management ensured the poster captured the event's essence.

Sales and Distribution

Over 1,200 event posters were sold, both during and after the show. I personally packaged and shipped each one, adding a personal touch.


This project seamlessly blended artistry and technical expertise, enhancing the live experience with real-time visuals. The event poster served as both a memento and promotional tool, resonating with fans and showcasing the value of event memorabilia in the digital age.

