
Project Overview

The Celevate project presented an exciting opportunity to create a captivating 30-60 second commercial for a body and mind energizing drink. My role in this project was to bring the product to life through animation, from custom modeling the can to crafting a visually striking presentation highlighting the product's qualities.

Custom Modeling and Realistic Textures

A crucial element in this project was the meticulous custom modeling of the Celevate can. The goal was to create a visually appealing and lifelike representation of the product. Realistic textures were meticulously applied to the can, ensuring that every detail was accurately portrayed. The result was a dramatic animation that showcased the product's features and aesthetic appeal.

Key Tools Used

The primary tools I employed to achieve the project's objectives were Cinema4D and Octane renderer. These industry-standard tools were instrumental in creating the 3D model of the can and achieving high-quality final renderings.

The Workflow

The project's workflow can be summarized in several key steps:

Custom Modeling: I began by custom modeling the Celevate can in Cinema4D, ensuring that it accurately reflected the product's design.

Realistic Textures: Textures were applied to the 3D model, enhancing its realism and visual appeal.

Rendering: The Octane renderer was utilized for final renderings, producing high-quality images that showcased the product's details and qualities.

Post-Production: The rendered images were compiled in Adobe After Effects for the final composition and export. This phase allowed for the integration of additional visual elements and fine-tuning of the animation.


The Celevate commercial animation project resulted in a visually striking and compelling presentation of the energizing drink. The animation effectively showcased the product's design, capturing its essence and qualities in a dynamic and engaging manner.

This case study highlights the importance of using the right tools and software to bring a product to life through animation. The combination of custom modeling, realistic textures, and advanced rendering techniques yielded a visually impressive and attention-grabbing commercial that effectively conveyed the unique attributes of Celevate.


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